Availability of Our Courses:

Our courses will be available on the following platforms,

·        MacuinScript YouTube Channel:

On the MacuinScript YouTube Channel, we do not release complete courses at once. Instead, we release videos one by one sequentially.

At Macuin, we believe that YouTube is not an effective educational platform, as it allows many things that can easily get you distracted and waste your time. Therefore, we intend to use YouTube primarily for promotional purposes.

·        MacuinScript Website:

On the MacuinScript Website, we release complete courses at once as soon as they are ready.


·        Intuitive Interface:

MacuinScript features an Intuitive Interface, making it easy to navigate through the content effortlessly.

·        Interactive Learning:

MacuinScript incorporates Interactive Learning elements such as discussions and quizzes, enabling you to engage with peers and evaluate your knowledge in real-time.

·        Progress-Tracking:

MacuinScript provides robust Progress-Tracking features, empowering you to monitor your learning journey.

·        Regular Updates:

On MacuinScript, our courses are regularly updated to align with the latest advancements in Salesforce technology, ensuring that our content remains up-to-date and relevant.

·        Lifetime Access:

On MacuinScript, our courses come with Lifetime Access without recurring subscription fees or extra charges, allowing you to revisit and review the content whenever needed.

·        MacuinScript Mobile Applications:

Currently, we are developing our Mobile Applications for iOS and Android devices to enhance accessibility and convenience. Our goal is to launch both applications by July 2025.

In the future, we may make our courses available at some of the popular online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, etc.

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